Pageant Resources

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Welcome to Pageant Resources, the one place on the Internet you need to go for everything pageant related. Are you a pageant director? Post your pageant at Pageant Resources.  Are you a contestant in need of that perfect dress? Browse great pageant dresses posted on our site, or shop for a new custom pageant dress at Tiny Designs by Sarah, or buy a winning T. J. Formal or Doodlebugs dress. Are you a parent of a contestant who needs that winning edge? Let our knowledgeable and experienced pageant coaches, like 2007 Mrs. Georgia International Sarah Taylor Burton, give your child the pose, confidence, and knowledge to win at any level.

Pageant Postings

If you are a pageant director having a pageant or you just know about a pageant you would like to help get the word out about, post the pageant here for free on Pageant Resources at All types of pageants can be posted, scholarship, prelims, cash prize pageant, crown and trophy pageants. if you are searching for a pageant you can search by state or by the type of pageant.

Pageant Dresses

Every successful pageant contestant knows that the dress is one of the most important things to consider when entering a pageant. You can post your new or previously warn dresses here. if you are looking for a dress, check out the postings. There are some great deals on fabulous dresses there. We also sell T. J. Formal dresses right from this site or you can click over to Tiny Designs by Sarah or Doodlebugs.

Pageant Coaching

Would you like the benefit of years of successful experience as contestants, judges, directors, hair and make-up artist, and many other areas of pageantry, to give you or your child the winning edge? Click over to the pageant coaching page. Our coaches have competed and won titles at the local, state, national, and international level and have a world of knowledge and experience in all aspects of pageantry. let them give you every advantage so that you can truly be the best you.

Are you one of these exceptional people who has what it takes to be one of our pageant coaches? Tell us what you have to offer and we may match you with people who need you talents.

Pageant Accessories

Your post for sale or shop for all pageant related accessories here. Directors can find crowns, banners, trophies, prizes, platters, etc. Contestants have find or sell shoes, jewelry, and other pageant accessories.

Hair & Make-up Artist

You can book the top hair and make-up artists in your area, and everyone knows the right hair and make-up are key to winning that crown and banner.


If you are a director looking for qualified judges in your area, find one on the judges page. If you are a highly qualified judge submit your resume to be included in or judges list.